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City: Webinar Zoom

Country: Italy

Type: Course

Pavillion: Zoom

From the clinician to the lab. and finally the aesthetics delivery to the patient

Start date: 19/07/2022
End date: 19/07/2022
TITLE: From the clinician to the lab. and finally the aesthetics delivery to the patient
SPEAKERS: Dr. Diego Lops & CDT Alessandro Arnone


ABSTRACT: Nowadays it is very important the way the clinician collects information on implant position and surrounding hard and soft tissues, in order to transfer to the dental lab a complete flow of data. Such kind of information will be crucial to give dental lab the chance to design the right emergence profile of an implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation. Both digital and analogic flow will be discussed with the respective advantages and limitations for both clinician and dental technician.


Click here to register to the webinar. Deadline: Tuesday, 19 July 2022 at 11 AM CET

Click here to see our 2022 international program of webinars.