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City: Badia Polesine

Country: Italia

Type: Course

Pavillion: Zoom

Prosthodontic treatment of challenging cases. How to win?

Start date: 13/05/2025
End date: 13/05/2025


SPEAKER: Aleksandra Špadijer Gostović



In this lecture prof Spadijer will address 10 golden rules, defining how to be successful in prosthodontic therapy:
1. Indication, case selection, treatment planning
2. Selection of Th modality based on “BIO-RESTORATIV” & personalized approach
3. Multidisciplinary team work
4. Communication
5. Dental lab work
6. Material selection
7. Optimal impression and restoration design
8. Occlusal stability
9. Prevention and fixing complications in time
10. Monitoring and follow-ups
Presenting different complex cases, prof Spadijer will discuss cohesive treatment plan and all steps required leading to a successful outcome. With special focus to the importance of optimal impression technique and material selection for passive fit and marginal fit of implant/teeth supported restorations.

TIME: Please note that the event starts at 2:00 PM CEST and ends at 3:00 PM CEST.

Starting time in other Time Zones:

New York – USA 8:00 AM; San Paolo – Brazil 9:00 AM; London – UK 1:00 PM; Rome – Italy 2:00 PM; Moscow – Russia 3:00 PM; Dubai – UAE 4:00 PM; New Delhi – India 5:30 PM; Astana – Kazakhstan 5:00 PM; Bangkok – Thailand 7:00 PM; Ho Chi Minh – Vietnam 7:00 PM; Hong Kong – Cina 8:00 PM, Singapore 8:00 PM; Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia 8:00 PM; Tokyo – Japan 9:00 PM; Sydney – Australia 11:00 PM.

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