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City: Verona

Country: Italy

Type: Congress


Quintessenza Edizioni – 3rd Congress

Start date: 31/05/2018
End date: 01/06/2018

The Italian dentistry culture in the world. Comparing different philosophies.

The 3rd edition of the Quintessenza Edizioni Congress introduces a new format with the goal of presenting the latest trends of the field to an heterogeneous audience of young and experienced professionals through a broad set of conferences from highly competent relators, chosen for their deep knowledge of the matter and their great dedication.

The congress takes place in two days:

  • On the first afternoon the “under 40” professionals will debate the limits and possibilities of different disciplines related to the rehabilitation of simple and complex cases.
  • The second day is dedicated to world famous restorative dentistry experts, who will present their philosophy in approaching complex cases.

The congress keywords are interactivity and debate, shared knowledge rather than one-way presentations for
improving the clinical practice.