
Duplicate alginates

Very detailed in the reproduction, recommended for impressions of parts of the body, skin safe.
Alginate is used for duplication only and can not be stored over time. The mixing ratio, by weight, is 2 parts of water and 1 part of powder.

NameChemicalColourMixing ratioHardness (ShA)WT (@ 23°C)ST (@ 23°C)Tear (N/mm)Visc (cP)Smallest packStd packMedium packBig pack
AL PR Body casting Alginatelight blue2 w: 1 p--2’30"-3’ --20 bags x 500 g10 kg bag25 kg bag-
AL MT Body casting Alginatewhitish2 w: 1 p--9’-13’ --20 bags x 500 g10 kg bag25 kg bag-
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