RTV-2 Tin cure

High mechanical strength

All the products have high mechanical strength and are therefore indicated for many reproductions. Even the dimensional stability is good, even if lower than the silicones RTV-2 platinum cure.

To all the products thixotropizing agent can be added to make them thixo

NameChemicalColourMixing ratioHardness (ShA)WT (@ 23°C)ST (@ 23°C)Tear (N/mm)Visc (cP)Smallest packStd packMedium packBig pack
ZC 10-120RTV-2 Tin cureWhitish100 : 514 *90’24h18330001 + 0,05 kg5 + 0,25 kg20 + 1 kg200 + 10 kg
ZC 20-120RTV-2 Tin cureWhitish100 : 519 *90’24h18250001 + 0,05 kg5 + 0,25 kg20 + 1 kg200 + 10 kg
ZC 30-120RTV-2 Tin cureWhitish100 : 529 *90’24h18300001 + 0,05 kg5 + 0,25 kg20 + 1 kg200 + 10 kg
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