Cosmetic alginates

Cosmetic alginates

Zhermack experience in the dental sector has allowed the Company to develop high quality cosmetic alginates greatly appreciated by cosmetics companies. Zhermack alginates are originated by natural raw materials like brown seaweeds collected along the Norwegian coast.

Zhermack alginates can be customized, adding colors, scents and active ingredients.

Zhermack directly manages all the working stages – from formulation to packaging. Validated and controlled processes are the guarantee with which Zhermack is able to offer products that are constant in their characteristics, as well as certified in quality.

Zhermack quality system is certified according to the following ISO standards: UNI EN ISO 22716:2008, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015, UNI ISO 45001:2018, EN ISO 13485:2016.

Our products are also formulated in compliance with Regulation (EU) 1223/2009.


  • The creamy texture  guarantees excellent spreadability
  • Easy to use and to remove
  • The memory effect affords excellent surface detail reproduction
  • Neutral pH


  • Preservative-free formulation, without formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol and parabens.
  • Phthalate- and gluten-free.
  • Dust-free
  • Formulated without fossil shell flour
  • Formula with natural/vegetable ingredients.
  • Water:powder mixing ratio (in weight) 3:1

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